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Trump’s Gift to America

joe mauricio

By: Joe Mauricio


editorialDonald John Trump, an American businessman turned politician, real estate mogul, and now the President-elect of the United States of America, is a definition of American success story, continually setting the standard of excellence in business and now, excellence in politics.

His slogan is on the premise that America has fallen into a low state and reputation in the rest of the world, and we must be glad that this madness is about to end. With President Trump at the helm, he will restore what was condemned and put to oblivion, with his wit, intellect, and optimism, America will be great again.

Why do American masses love him? It could be his policies– hard line on immigration. Democrats are against free trade and Trump’s tax plans hardly stand out. But Trump fills a visceral need. He is a full-pledged member of the elite who roasts the rest of his class with gleefully detached contempt.

The United States of America, founded as government of laws, not men, has become a government of incomprehensible laws. Lawmakers have devised impenetrable regulatory systems rigged to be exploited by those blessed with elite degrees, ample time and sizeable budgets. Analysts and academia help them along by ensuring that no issue in public eye ever made sense.

But Trump says outrageous things, for example…

* If the problem is such that we can’t secure the borders, he suggests building a wall and monitoring the door.

* If the problem is we can’t tell which Muslims (seeking to enter the country) are peaceful and which are jihads, he suggests keeping them all out until we learn how to tell the difference.

* If Hillary Clinton insisted that Trump’s relationship with women is problematic, Trump suggests comparing his own record to that of her husband.

These are, of course, many valid reasons to question these ideas. They seem likely to offend many people, but they put American first and they are hardly absurd of anything overly-simplistic. Yet the attacks that they invite are uniformly unhinged. Trump drives the elites crazy with messages containing simple, consistent subtexts..”You people are nuts; life doesn’t have to be this complicated.”

That message is Trump’s gift to America…It is a message that he is taking to heart.

The country needs a massive, widespread, structured simplification.

Americans should understand the nation’s laws.

Taxes and regulations should make sense.

Decent families should not have to worry about government intrusion.

Companies should spend little on compliance.

And, we need to show some respect to our traditions. .

Even if American culture is changing, its traditions cannot become toxic overnight.

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