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Value Story


By: James DC


A father told his daughter, “Congrats on your graduation. I bought you a car a while back. I want you to have it now.” Before I give it to you, take it to a car dealer in the city and sell it. See how much they offer.”

The girl came back to her father and said: “They offered me $10,000 dollars because it looks very old”

Father said: “Ok, now take it to the pawn shop”.

The girl returns to her father and said: “The pawn shop offered $1,000 dollars because it’s a very old car and a lot of work done”.

The father told her to join a passionate car club with experts and show them the car.

The girl drove to the passionate car club. She returned to her father after a few hours and told him, “Some people in the club offered me $100,000 dollars because its a rare car that’s in good condition.”

Then the father said, “I wanted to let you know that you are not worth anything if you are not in the right place. If you are not appreciated, do not be angry, that means you are in the wrong place. “Don’t stay in a place where no one sees your value .”

Know your worth and know where you are valued.

A diamond doesn’t shine on the bottom of a cave.


How Politics Work

I told my son, “you will marry the girl I choose.” he said, “no.”

I told him, “she is Bill Gates daughter.” he said, “yes.”

I called Bill Gates and said, “I want your daughter to marry my son,” Bill Gates said, “no.”

I told Bill Gates, “my son is the c.e.o. of world bank.” Bill Gates said, “ok.”

I called the president of world bank and asked him to make my son the c.e.o. he said, “no.”

I told him, “my son is bill gates son-in-law” he said, “ok.”

This is how politics work.



GruesomeTeacher: “Johnny, can you use the word “gruesome” in a sentence?”

Johnny: “Yes ma’am, I used to be shorter, then I gruesome.


The Snake and Firefly

A snake began to chase a fi refl y that only lived to shine.

The fi refl y stopped and said to the snake: “Can I ask you three questions?”

The snake said, “Yes.” – Do I belong to your food chain ?

The snake said, “No.” Did I do anything to you?

The snake said, “No.” Then why you wanna devour me?

“The snake replied, “”Cause I can’t stand to see you shine.””.

Moral of the story…

Often, some people can’t stand to see you shine, and that’s why they act like snakes, silent and ready to destroy you!

The bitter truth.


Before the Internet

I wonder what my parents did to fi ght boredom before the internet. So I asked my 18 brothers and sisters and they didn’t know either.

lol1 lol2 lol3

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