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Secret Attitudes


By: Nancy Abiera


I recently got connected with my high school batch mates on Facebook. Moreover, I learned that we are celebrating our Sapphire (45 years) high school reunion in January 2018.

When I was in LA, some of my batch mates who were LA residents and surrounding areas decided meeting with me for dinner.

Lo and behold, this gathering made me feel like high school again. I even text them that it felt like I was 16.

Since then, there’s daily chats and one of them named Rica shared the following:


1 } ONCE, All villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the People gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella. That’s FAITH…

2 } WHEN You throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. That’s TRUST…

3 }. EVERY Night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next Morning but still we set the alarms to wake up. That’s HOPE…

4 }. WE Plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. That’s CONFIDENCE

5 }. WE See the world suffering. But still we get Married. That’s LOVE

6 }. On an Old Man’s shirt was written a cute sentence ‘I Am Not 60 Years Old.., I Am Sweet 16 with 44 years Experience.

That’s ATTITUDE I could relate to these 6 little stories and also to the man in the last story. I celebrated my 60th birthday a few months ago this year yet I really feel like 16 with 44 years of experience.

With that in mind, let me share some of these 44 years experiences in a short version below:

6 Inspiring “SECRETS” by Nancy H.Abiera

S. SMILE to all

E. ENCOURAGE everybody

C. CARE for others

R. RESPOND affirmatively

E. EXPECT the best

T. TEMPERANCE is a virtue

S. STOP, Look and Listen

SMILE to all… It is free anti-aging exercise and extends one’s life expectancy as well.

ENCOURAGE everybody… Many are so stressed and depressed that they just need someone to cheer them by encouraging words. If you cannot help others, do not hurt them.

CARE for others… It is a simple expression of love. I heard John Maxwell said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Very true. Let’s all be caring and not careless.

RESPOND Affirmatively… Negativity attracts misfortunes and bad days. On the flip-side, responding affirmatively brings Life, Blessings and Joy.

EXPECT the best… we all heart, “You get what you expect”. Expect the best, then you get the best. Otherwise you get the worst. Break the pattern of ANT (Automatic Negative Thought) and change to ATT (Automatic Truth Thoughts).

TEMPERANCE is a virtue… Not just patience. We cannot control how people respond to us. However, we can control the way we respond to them. Let us practice Self-Control rather than being a control freak.

STOP, Look and Listen. My father taught me this approach when dealing with relationships. He told me to stop and make time to reflect and observe. Then look and discern what to say and what not to say. Lastly, listen and be pro-active in giving understanding rather than imposing to be understood.

Always choose “On A Bright Side”. I love you readers with the love of the Lord yet God loves you the most. Smile and be a blessing. . .

Rev. Nancy H. Abiera

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