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The Effects of Religion

joe mauricio

By: Joe Mauricio


edit1Since the beginning of life on the planet earth, mankind began worshipping God, and over thousands of years, it took the forms of different organized religions. The Western civilization was primarily influenced by the teachings of Jesus Christ, while the eastern half of the world which includes part of Asia, came under the great influence of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam over different time periods. Religion has a deep underlying influence in the Asian society’s psyche and attitude towards life, mostly evident in the Filipino culture. The followers of Hinduism, primarily in India, believe in life after death and in the theory of karma (your destiny in next life is a product of your actions in this life). Due to this theory, the true followers of this religion are not very aggressive in their approach towards life because they believe that whatever is happening in this life has already been pre-ordained. Islam is a relatively recent religion, but it became deeply influential and widespread within a short period of time. Islam professes a highly structured and rigid way of life, and inculcates a regimentation in terms of hours of worship. Islam prohibits the use of artificial methods of birth control and as a direct fallout of this rule, the population of Muslims tends to be higher than the other religions. In the Islamic societies, women are expected to play a highly conservative and puritanical role. Women do not go out to work and do not aspire for economic and political status, and highly depend on the males members of the society. Buddhism is a religion of peace and non-violence. Many progressive countries in Asia, like China, Japan, Korea and Thailand. found the teachings of this religionvery appealing, and quickly adapted themselves to the basic principles of life propagated by the followers for Buddha. Even politically, in most Asian countries, people elect their political leaders based on religious ties. Unlike the West, the economic and global factors do not influence the voters’ minds so much as the deep-seated faith and belief in God, which pervades through every wall of life in the Asian society. Quoting Nietzche (a German philosopher), who pitted “Dionysian element against the Christian element that he considered to have weakened civilization,” he understood that most of our impulses are double-edged, even our so-called better impulses have their “dark or degenerate side…every ideal presupposes love and hate, reverence and contempt, and the essential impulse can rise from negative and positive sides.” In the Philippines, where religion is a way of life, it affects all sectors of the population–rich or poor. A bill cannot become a law without the approval of the church. Divorce bill cannot pass without the approval of the church. Death penalty cannot be imposed without the approval of the church. In some cases, political candidates are endorsed by the church. An accused politician has to consult with the bishops on what to do with pending and/or ongoing cases against him/her. Catholic religion has taken hold in the Philippines as the religion of the abused and the oppressed, which is evident everywhere, in people’s attitudes in life. It constantly seeks to overcome our more powerful positive instincts, which Nietzche saw as an unconscious expression of resentment, and an inversion of aggression by the weak When is the “Tiger of Asia” (Philippines) wake up for the greater glory of the nation to pass the divorce law, impose death penalty, pass the Human Reproductive Bill, and ignore.the absolute laws of the church for the country to move forward? Maligayang Pasko! Mabuhay ang Pilipino at si Pope Francis! He is scheduled to visit the Philippines in January 15, 2015.

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