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Power of Declaration


By: Nancy Abiera


We just celebrated July 4, the “Declaration of Independence” for the United States of America. We celebrate and believe strongly that it is truth.

The word DECLARATION means proclamation/announcement with conviction and/or belief with truthful authority. It is not just a wish/fantasy. Declaration is discerning in the spirit with faith; living in conviction as absolute truth.

DECLARATIONS (Decreeing Done Deal Exhibiting/ Expressing Conviction/Certain Loudly/Lively with Authority/ Announcing Reliable/Realization Affirming/Attesting Truth Turning Impossibilities to Overwhelmingly Possible Nevertheless New Supernaturally/ Spiritually.

Declaration is when we know and we believe in our hearts; communicating to ourselves and to others in full awareness, information, revelation and knowledge. The more we declare, the more we think, hear and say! There is power in repetition of declaration because it reinforces what we hear/believe. Our mind responds as we hear more, we believe more. What we think… we believe…we say… and we act on. The more we do things, results in a cycle of practices, habits and/ or virtues. This eventually transforms our character. This is very crucial especially when declaring God’s Word He promised for us to attain/ realize God’s plans for us in the BIBLE (Blessings Initiated/Invoked Instructions By God Himself for us to Live Long/Lovingly on Earth Excellently).

The Bible is God’s love letter to us. It is God’s love expression to His children written for us to know Him. The more we know God, the more we know ourselves and others. Thus, love overflows coming from God to us and extended to others.

Knowing God’s promises starts with reading, knowing, believing, speaking, practicing and living them daily for health/wealth and freedom. It gives us strength, power and firm foundation to have faith stand on His promises. God makes the impossible to possible; pitiful to powerful; natural to supernatural, physical to spiritual; good to Godly, etc. God is still a God of miracles, signs, wonders. His promises stand true with yes and amen.

Declaration of God’s word is simply repeating what God said; rehearsing/aligning our words with His words. His words as contained in the Bible are transforming us to have a fulfilling, God cente red, purposeful and powerful life.

Hosea 4: 6 God said: “My people perish from a lack of knowledge.” It is good to know the Bible, but it is better or best to KNOW the God of the Bible.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon said: ”The scripture is our inexhaustible textbook, the Lord Jesus our boundless subject and the Holy Spirit our divine infinite helper”.

Knowing God’s word helps us to know Him; His perfect ways/will for us to obey Him and live a life in faith pleasing Him. This is the kind of life: powerful… unlimited… boundless… where greatness becomes supernaturally natural and naturally supernatural.

Unfortunately, some choose pathetic, pitiful and powerless outlook in life. No no no! We are prophetic, powerful and purposeful. God’s plan is “to prosper and bless us not to harm or punish us, but to give us faith, hope, love and a great future.”

Here are some practical ways to rehearse and declare God word: PRIME (Praise/Worship/ Pray for God’s leading/direction/ revelation. Read/Listen attentively verses of the Bible. Inquire God’s promises in His Word. Meditate/listen/reflect on God’s response/paraphrase meaning. Expect great things/ visualize the outcome.

DECLARATION of BIBLE PRIME = POWER (Passion for the Lord. Obedience to God’s Word. Witness to the World Declaring God’s Promises. Empowered by the Holy Spirit/Jesus/Heavenly Father. Restoring Reclaiming & Redeeming us.

Acts 1:8: “You shall receive power from the Holy Spirit, and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and in the outermost part of the world”.

Always choose ”On A Bright Side” moving further and farther “On A Brightest Side”.

I love you readers with the love of the Lord yet the Lord loves you the most. You are blessed. Smile and be a blessing!

Rev. Nancy H. Abiera

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