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Good or Godly? (Good Religion Versus Godly Relationship)

nancy abiera

By: Nancy H. Abiera


Religion is good but not all religion is Godly. Religion is about the do’s and don’ts we offer to God. It may appear good but may not always Godly. It is unfruitful and pitiful.

On the other side, Godly relationship is always good. It is what God offers to us – i.e., what He did, what He does and will do for us. He made us as His own children while giving us Himself, His provision and protection. Godly relationship is always fruitful and powerful. Nancy H. Abiera

We are all created for relationships. We are all born out of relationships. We crave and long for relationships. We get to truly know God, ourselves and others in relationships. We are meant to live in relationships. We are surrounded by relationships, etc.

There are three dimensions I would describe relationships in the right order of priority:

1. First is our relationship with our Creator.

2. Second is our relationship with ourselves.

3. Third is our relationship with others.

In this article, I will focus on the first dimension which is Number 1. Numbers 2 and 3 will be introduced in this article but will discussed in detail in the next months’ Viatimes issues.

The first dimension is on our relationship with our Creator, I do not mean religion or which church or sect you belong or denomination you are part of. I meant true relationship with our Maker. In other words, there is a personal connection and intimate love relationship. This is the first thing anyone must take into account. Just like when we look for a brand or label, we do not want to settle for less than who we are or limited to what we can do and complete. We carry the brand or label or name of God because we are His children. We carry God’s brand/name and label. God also carries us as we become carriers of His glory, power and authority. The question here is what kind of children are we?

Are we legitimate or illegitimate?

Are we obedient or rebellious? Are living like adopted or orphan?

The choices always determine the fruits of our lives, both good and bad. When we have this personal and intimate connection (relationship) with God, our lifestyle is based on His desires. Like Jesus said, “Not my will but Your will be done.” It is healthy and Godly when we are obedient children following a loving Father. As such, we are likened to legitimate children being heirs to His blessings. Obedient children receive abundant blessings. Same is true for adopted children who receive all the rights and privileges as legitimate children. These blessings have no limits, no boundaries, no ifs, not buts, etc.

However, when our choices fell on the second, we reap whatever illegitimate, rebellious and orphan children get. They are limited, bound, uncertain and insecure. It is like settling for second which is not the best but rather the worst.

Unfortunately for me, I was clueless of these three dimensions of relationships when I was younger. My priority was to please others at the expense of losing my relationships with myself and my God. I had a twisted or reverse order of priority. This caused me so much heart aches and needless casualties in life.

Instead of receiving blessings of prosperity I got the curse of poverty. Rather than having a life of wellness, I was stricken with illness. Moreover, relationships with others were so dysfunctional that I suffered brokenness and was wounded terribly. My relationship with my own self was also affected negatively that I did not even like my own self. I was trying to be somebody I was not to the point of living a double life of hypocrisy and deception. I had no clue who I was and what my purpose in life was. I must say that I had a toxic way in relating with myself. Thus, I had toxic and unhealthy self image while subconsciously or unconsciously devaluing myself. I even allowed others to treat me like a doormat. Then I beat myself through endless rehearsal of false guilt, shame and self condemnation.

It took many great disappointments in life to awaken me from this life of madness. I got tired of being used, abused, refused, confused, accused, etc. Praise God, I had this opportunity to re-evaluate my beliefs and values which led me to seek God’s love. This unconditional love of God healed me and gave me the truth in life. As God pours His unconditional love to me, I learned how to love myself and become a vessel of God’s love to share to others.

This tragedy (which I now actually see as a blessing in disguise) totally changed my life. It pushed me to confront my insecurities (lies and deception I believed about God and myself) and experience God’s great love that removed all kinds of fear. God’s love through the person of Jesus Christ gave me so much fulfillment, meaning and purpose. Joy replaced sadness; peace is experienced in the midst of chaos; wise solutions came as I face problems and struggles; patience was developed to maturity conquering ongoing anxiety; faith increased which vanished fear; abundant provision flowed rather than lack; healing manifested to my hurting heart; and most of all, conflicts in relationships became harmonious, steady and healthy.

The Scripture tells us in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”

This is absolutely true. My life in a confusing maze became so amazing. It brought me freedom and victory. It was mind blowing that gave me deep yet simple understanding how I see and relate to God personally. The meaningless rituals I do for God turned into meaningful intimate interaction where I experienced God’s presence, mercy and goodness. I learned to receive God’s love rather than trying to earn His love while seeking approval. I witnessed a very valuable lesson that God gives His love so freely and I cannot outdo His love. He loves me no matter what. He sees me perfect because He saw Jesus perfection covering me. I cannot do no more or no less. He loves me period.

In more contemporary terms, I discovered meaningful revelations of Him as follows:

1. God is my UMBRELLA protecting me from the heavy rains and other storms of life.

2. God is my LIGHT shining through the dark as I journey into the roads less travelled.

3. God is my GPS (God’s Perfect Strategy). He never fails me in giving directions in life.

4. God is my CALCULATOR that adds up to my blessings; deducts my sorrows; multiplies my joys and divides my heavy loads.

5. God is my INSURANCE provider for medical, property, malpractice, fire, life insurance, etc. ever ready each time I call. Comprehensive coverage (including family) for all in damages with no deductible.

6. God is my GREAT PHYSICIAN who healed all my diseases. No professional fee with guaranteed miraculous healing results available anytime.

7. God is my INVESTOR and I am fully vested in Him.

8. God is my BANKER who deposits Himself to me and withdraws any evil influence on me granting unlimited forgiveness.

9. God is my MASTER CHRIST CREDIT/DEBIT CARD for everyday provision and extends no credit limit. I do not leave home without Him.

10. God is my PERFECFT COUNSELOR who grants me free revelation of wisdom, knowledge and discernment for every issue I face each day.

11. God is my PEACEGIVER by providing me His presence while resolving many conflicts

Most importantly, God in the person of Jesus Christ is my free WI-FI (W—Wonderful; I—lnvincible; F—Faithful; I—Infallible) internet connection provider between heaven and earth. He prays for me and talks to His dad in my own personal behalf. He is available 24/7; open not only on Sundays but everyday making each day Funday; never drops; with very clear yet no interference. He even provides extreme clarity for my identity, purpose and destiny.

As I followed the Godly principles honoring God and putting Him as my first priority, He re-ordered my life. The chaotic and troublesome me became joyful, peaceful and secure. This was when I found the way, the truth and the life in Jesus. My life became a completed puzzle where each shape fit in together forming a beautiful picture of my real identity as well as my purpose and destiny. If God can do it for me, He can do it for you as well. Let me emphasize: Religion is good but not all religion is Godly. But when we have received the Godly relationship with God, the Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, they are always good.

For your ready perusal and for you to reap the benefits, I am providing some questions for reflection to ask yourself and meditate to on. I have also included a prayer guiding you as you seek God which was designed to include some of your heart’s desire.

• Describe your relationship with God the Father. Do you find Him as a loving Father whom you could talk to anytime and on any matter? Or do you find Him as a strict Father that you are afraid to approach?

• Have you opened your heart to Jesus? In other words, are you in a love relationship with Jesus? Is Jesus your Savior and Lord?

• Are you guided by the Holy Spirit in your thoughts, words or actions?

• Are there areas in your life you repeatedly struggle with? Health? Wealth? Relationships? Are there deep seated issues you have in the past, present or future in your endeavors personally, financially, relationally, professionally or even spiritually?

In the event you have responded at least one negative in the reflective questions, I suggest you renew your faith by praying the prayer of dedication or re-dedication provided. Please feel free to add specific concerns, petitions/requests that you wanted the Lord to grant you.

Heavenly Father, forgive me for not knowing who You are as my loving Father. Please forgive me for my sins as well as the sins of my ancestors all the way back to Adam and Eve for not trusting You truly. Thank you for sending Jesus for my forgiveness, redemption and salvation. I gratefully receive them with all my heart. Thank you Jesus for dying for me so I may have life; for turning all curses into blessings; for replacing my infirmities with wholeness; for removing poverty and giving me prosperity – spirit, soul and body; for restoring my broken relationships and giving me breakthrough. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me each moment in thoughts, words and deeds, help me to know my true identity in Jesus; my purpose here on earth so that I may reach my full divine destiny. To be continued…

Always choose “On A Bright Side”. I love you readers with the love of the Lord yet God loves you the most. Smile and be a blessing. . . Rev. Nancy H. Abiera

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