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Month for Weddings

nancy abiera

By: Nancy H. Abiera


1 John 4:19. “We love because He first loved us.”

June is the month we celebrate Father’s Day. Lets take this time to greet all the fathers, including our Heavenly Father, “Happy Fathers Day to all”.

In addition historically, the month of June has been the most popular month for weddings. The month of June came from the root origin of its name Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. It was believed that those who married in June would be blessed with prosperity and happiness. Some thought that when you marry in June, you will be a bride forever. To be a bride forever, I have the following suggestions/acronyms B.R.I.D.E. whether you are about to be married, married for a short time, and even married for a long, long time, even not on of the month of June

B Be loving by being sweet, forgiving and humble. If we are not sweet, chances are we will become bitter and not better. If we don’t forgive, then it would be hard to forget. I remember those times I had a hard time forgiving. I felt like rehearsing the hurt over and over again and I got so tired. Thank God, until I humbled myself and I was able to release the pain and forgave my husband. I now practice what I call “split-second forgiveness.” It’s my anti-aging secret.

R Respect and submit to your husband’s leadership and protection. When we do this, it makes us feel secure, cherished, and protected. When we give our husband respect, the more he will love us. When I submitted to my husband, it brought out the real man in him which made me feel like a woman even more. Thus, we both feel loved and secured in our marriage.

I Intimacy is the key to successful marriage, meaning openness of body, soul and spirit. Intimacy is rooted in unconditional trust and faith letting our real selves exposed producing real and downto- earth relationship built with honesty. Intimacy is like saying, “‘intome- I-see’ you.” We are one with each other and one with God to begin with. Let us see the goodness and image God in us and in each other.

D Dedicate your marriage and family to the Lord. The covenant of marriage is like a three-knotted cord where the groom and bride commit each other as husband and wife making their promises to God and to one another. My husband, Jonathan and I removed the “D” (Divorce or Death and/or Destroy) words in our household because of our understanding that our marriage covenant is with God. We even renewed our marriage twice (one in church and one in Jerusalem) in addition to our first court wedding.

E Emulate the example of Jesus teaching on servanthood, friendship and being an heir or true child of God.

Many people fail to experience love at the deepest, purest and harmonious way because of the failure to respond to the true love that comes from God.

We respond in love to God because He first loved us. When our love for God is number 1, He gives us His priority and He pours out His unconditional love to us. Thus, we get immersed in the power of His love overflowing that will never run out. This way, we have more than enough reserve so we can share those to our husband, children, friends and others.

Otherwise, when we are disconnected from the love of God through Jesus, we go bankrupt and leaves us void, empty and angry. This is the main reason why we see so many angry wives who used to be joyful brides. I know because I used to be one. Let me share with you a poem that will describe my before and after relationship with God through Jesus Christ:

Before Receiving The Love of Jesus Christ

After Receiving The Love of Jesus Christ (Using the rhyme of the poem, “Humpty Dumpty”).

Angry Nancy sat on a wall

Joyful Nancy sat on a wall

Angry Nancy had a great fall

Joyful Nancy had a sense of call

All the worlds wisdom and all the worlds riches. All the church”s elders & all the church’s members Could not put Angry Nancy together again. Could not stop Joyful Nancy loving them all. Be a blessing. . . . Rev. Nancy H. Abiera


June bridal shower for bride-to-be Niki del Rosario, Nancy Abiera, Laila Valmores and mother of the Bride, Jay del Rosario.



From left to right: Nancy Abiera, Jay del Rosario, Dottie Tamanio, Celia Villanueva & Laila Valmores.

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