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W.I.F.I. Prayer


By: Nancy Abiera


“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:7

Prayer is the most misunderstood and least practiced. We hear people quote the power of prayer yet many are clueless, busy, insensitive, bored, or narrow-minded. I guess, many know prayer in the head yet miss the power of prayer from the heart. Similarly, the power of love is so misunderstood, that goes to say with prayer. Have you heard of anyone say, “I love you with all of my head.” LOL.

Prayer is a powerful love language connection with God, like a cell phone to a WIFI network. Connection is key to prayer.

First and foremost, I Facetime and chat with God; open His Facebook (Bible) and use “Knee-Mail” to send Him thank you messages. Then for about 10-20 minutes, I pause in silence, worshipping and listening.

Prayer is like a fully charged cell phone connected to a WIFI network. I avail of the fastest/clearest WIFI network by:

1. Worshipping the Heavenly Father through singing/listening. (YouTube) 2. Intimately setting a date with Jesus, the lover of our soul.

3. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

4. Intentionally.

I continue the day by taking a bath/shower as regimen of my body prayer. As I shampoo my hair, I pray to God to cleanse me from negative thoughts and fi ll me with His thoughts. As I brush my teeth, I pray for God to cleanse my mouth from bad words. This way, He can fi ll me with His goodness and grace to bless Him, myself and others. As I clean my ears, I pray that God keeps my ear clean for hearing Him clearly. As I apply my make up, I pray that God be seen in my face to whoever I meet that day. As I put on my clothes, I pray that God clothes me with His gentleness and righteousness. Eating and drinking is like having communion with God. I put on my shoes praying to walk in faith that always works.

I use my driving time meditating and refl ecting while praying for protection, provision/ guidance for me and my family/ friends/people God puts in my heart. I now listen more than talk in prayer. I fi nd listening is more effective than talking. God knows more than I know anyway.

I pray that you fi nd this helpful to connect with God. Simple/ practical/powerful ways you can use all the time. Jesus promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He is with us 24/7 365 days a year.

“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17); otherwise, the devil preys on us.

Always choose “On A Bright Side” moving further and farther “On A Brightest Side”.

I love you readers with the love of the Lord yet the Lord loves you the most. You are greatly blessed, deeply loved and highly favored. Smile and be a blessing! Rev. N

ancy H. Abiera

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