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From The Readers

Voting Rights Act

Dear Editor, “Over half a century ago the Voting Rights Act of 1965 became law, barring discriminatory policies that kept Black Americans, and AAPIs, from voting in the United States. But today’s resurgence of white supremacy has resulted in systematic weakening of the VRA on a policy level, which has led to violence against our communities in our schools and places of worship.

“As we observe the 11th anniversary of the horrifi c mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WI this week, there is a somber reminder that while time moves on, the fi ght for our rights remains. As the gun violence epidemic continues to spread, our elected offi cials in Washington remain silent about enacting meaningful gun violence prevention legislation — which is top-of-mind for AAPI voters facing discrimination that some elected offi cials promote. At the same time, Republican legislatures are more concerned with taking away the right to vote than the right for our kids to live.

“These two issues are interconnected. As radical Republican legislators gut the Voting Rights Act, everyday people lose more and more power to hold their elected offi cials accountable and our politics become more extreme. Sadly, politicians are more apt to sell out to corporate donors and the extremist policies they propose like for the National Rifl e Association (NRA) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). We need to come together and fl ex our collective power and vote in legislators that champion everyday people, not corporations or extremist organizations.

“AAPI Victory Alliance will continue to organize our communities so we can ensure our families, friends and neighbors come out to vote this November, and every election after. Although some politicians have made it harder for our communities to vote, we will not stop the fi ght for fully free and fair elections. The arc of the moral universe bends toward justice, and we will ultimately hold those in government who do not represent democracy accountable.”

AAPI (Asian American and Pacifi c Islander) Victory Alliance # # #

AAPI Victory Alliance works to build Asian American and Pacifi c Islander (AAPI) political power across the country by providing education on progressive issues; creating and advocating for policies that affect these communities; and building alliances with organizations to help AAPIs exert their power and be the margin of victory at the local, state, and national levels.



Paalam Na Po (Goodbye), To Days Gone By

Win and I are now independent from all things CFN, moving forward. Early last month, we graciously submitted our resignations, in person and in writing, to Jay Bayot, immediate past CFN chair. This is my last email to members.

We heartily welcome Isabel Juan, the new CFN chair, and wish her

• absolute success

• effective advocacy in sharing Filipino spiritual practices and culture at Holy Name Cathedral, and

• meaningful nurturing of new and young CFN leaders from the get go, as we had been in the past years. We hope CFN continues to welcome • anyone with Filipino ancestry, and

• everyone who celebrates and supports the CFN mission at Holy Name Cathedral Parish.

Lastly, we expect CFN to nourish our Filipino generous spirit in providing honoraria to priests, con-celebrants, deacon, sacristan and key music staff with funds generated from the annual membership dues. (Only at December Simbang Gabi and January Feast of Santo Nino – Holy Child.)

Under our watch we raised funds for the hungry and homeless suppers at Catholic Charities and hosted a classical music concert to support the ministries of groups at Holy Name. The concert was held in honor of Father Greg Sakowicz’s 40th Sacerdotal Ordination Anniversary.

Indeed, CFN is a unique network at Holy Name with outstanding devotion to the parish, Archdiocese of Chicago, its staff and parishioners.

Santo Nino home visit is an ongoing Filipino devotion serving over 45 CFN families each year since March 2020.

In any given Saturday/ Sunday Mass there is at least one CFN member trained to serve as usher or lector or EMHC or commentator. CFN members had chaired many various events at Holy Name — spreading our wings beyond CFN hosted activities.

Since 2008, we have immensely enjoyed our unadulterated service to the Filipino community (CFN and Cathedral Filipino Singers, sang for 5 years) while simultaneously serving other Holy Name groups. We are thankful for the privilege and opportunities abound. We took it to heart.

Along the way, we have met and kept friendships of marvelous people, enriching our spiritual journey as ever. Maraming salamat po.

Yours in Christ.

Grace Grace A. Villamora

Cathedral Filipino Network

CFN Past Chair,

July 2018 – June 2021

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