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Happy New Year and Happy New Life


By: Maria Girlie Pascual


For someone who has only been living a good six decades, it seems that I have gone through several life cycles that have tested me, challenged me, derailed me, surprised me, and I am happy to say, yes, I am still here, and so are all the survivors that I am dedicating this article to. Life is what it is, a cycle of meaningful, inspiring, memorable, sometimes frustrating, tiring, inexplicable series of events that may happen to you individually or collectively, as a lone person, a member of a family, maybe as a couple, a tribe, a community, as earth’s inhabitant and so on and so forth. It seemed simpler as we made our way to our mother’s womb, out of her body and into the world. As children, all we needed was food, clothing, shelter, but as we started maturing, our needs became more complex, our goals higher, our frustrations deeper. But in learning about God, praying provided a balance for me.

And right now, in what I would like to think as my third quarter of life. I believe I have run the gamut of what I know to be my personal life path, brought about by circumstance, choices that I made or that were made for me, bringing me exactly to the “NOW” that I circumspect on, that I am writing about, to hopefully share with my longtime readers, kernels of truth that I have learned on this journey thus far. No, not my version of the ten commandments, but ten life’s observations that I hope will somehow invite a conversation, a dialogue, or it can just be the last of my 2023 musings just before I turn 65 this coming February.

1) Life really is short! I have heard this over and over again from people older than me, including my parents. First I was an 18 year old making my way into this country, now I am living a “deja vu” Scene 2 life as surrogate mom to my 5 year old grandson.

2) Eat healthy, it does show up later. All those parties, dinners, lunches, snacks, and yes, happy hours may translate to less life hours later on-just saying.

3) Exercise! I am currently playing with 88 year old seniors that are still hitting them long and straight on the golf course. It’s never too late to sign up, pick up, learn something that will keep your body moving, your blood flowing through those veins and arteries. Even a short walk after meals has huge benefits to your overall well being.

4) Don’t stress over useless things. Save your energy for problems that do matter, issues that involve life and health, balance and the preservation of sanity and humanity.

5) Be kind, be courteous. These qualities really make you relax, makes you self aware and open to others.

6) Children are exempted from grownup messes. Let’s try to protect how they grow up with us, and around us. We can also remember simpler times through their eyes.

7) Respect the elderly. This to me, is quite important because one day, and mine is getting closer for sure, WE, will be the elderly.

8) If you think you are God’s gift to the universe, get off your imaginary monument and look around you–there is always someone better.

9) Share knowledge, talent and resources to the less fortunate—good deeds truly come back in ways that will amaze and surprise you.

10) Be joyful! For in being happy and aware of your blessings can contentment and inner peace come.



Cherish past moments with loved ones in your memory.


Honor those that have passed on and let the young ones remember.


To see the world again through a child’s eyes is a rare and beautiful opportunity.


Join your children if and when they invite you so they know you always love & support them.


We never forget to thank friends & colleagues that help us become successful.


Make time to reunite with old friends


Visit special people & places that have helped shape & define you.


Celebrate Life when you can, while you can.


Travel with your children & best friends.


Positivity is infectious- surround yourself with happy friends


Travel in style, fun and with people you love if you can – time flies too fast – make memories you’ll cherish for life.


BFF’s are exactly that – best friends for life.


Glam up once in a while – you deserve it!


Celebrate your friends and friendship.


When generations come together to celebrate and you are a part of it, be thankful – it doesn’t matter what generation you belong to!


With Owner Falke Dirke and Elizabeth Regacho at Passion for Polo in Barrington.


Your child’s laughter is music to your ears no matter at what age.


The Best is yet to come.


Live in the moment, be in the moment.


Share your God given talents & mentor the younger ones that seek your advice—-emceeing with Tyrone Tejam.


Make a difference in someone’s life through your work.


Be inspired by great love.


Playing my favorite sport with my brothers at the Medinah Country Club-highlight of 2023.


Never let the meaningful occasions pass without a celebration.


There’s never a bad time for champagne.. except after surgery lol.


Don’t forget to align yourself with those that celebrate the Lord.


Make time for fun!


The best people to have around you are ageless- like young 84 year old DaddyO Antonio Garcia Sr.


Venture into appreciating events, activities outside of your comfort zone with people whose company you enjoy.


Reap the rewards of hard work and be thankful always.


Have GIRL or BOY time with your “Besties”.


Pascual Wildoer family Photo 2024.


“To have a friend is to be a friend”..grateful to have an amazing group of true friends through thick or thin, I know they have my back.


Join a team with people you like that share a common activity.


Never forget where you came from& connect with childhood friends & classmates.

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