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Press Release
Home / Columnists / Nancy Abiera / SING OUT LOUD (SOL Not Just LOL)



By: Nancy Abiera


“Sing, O heavens! Be joyful, O earth! And break out in singing, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted His people, And will have mercy on His afflicted.” (Isaiah 49:13) “To sing is to pray twice.” St. Augustine

In January 2010, I was fabulous-two (52 years old). I got sick and was diagnosed with AFS (Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome). No matter how my doctor explained it to me, I was clueless as to what AFS is. I barely could understand her. All I remembered was feeling exhausted and tired as soon as I woke up. I slept during the day and was up at night. I was in such a mess: physically, emotionally and spiritually. I did not look good, I felt terrible and allergic to people. That was not the Nancy I knew.

So I decided to go to the beauty salon as I thought… “Hmmm, if I look good, I might feel good.” I specifically told my hairdresser, Robert Chavez: “Please cut my hair and make me look gorgeous, young and slim.” He responded, “Pastor Nancy, I am a beautician and not a magician.” LOL. I laughed so hard and felt good imagining myself as gorgeous, young and slim.

As I was driving home, I started singing out loud: “You are beautiful beyond description… too marvelous for words… too wonderful for comprehension…” (I Stand In Awe of You, GTA Praise Band).

This is one of my favorite songs when I worship as it is the expression of my love to God. My focus switched from me, the self-centered Nancy, to God-centered, in Jesus. I continued singing and serenading my Lord as He turned my “CRISIS to knowing who CHRIST is” even more.

Then I followed up with my doctor who prescribed me:

1. Rest and take a sabbatical break;

2. Get out of Rockford (this was where I used to live and work);

3. Take vitamin supplements.

Following my doctor’s advice, I immediately booked a flight and flew to Florida. I started singing “I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again…” (Leaving on a Jet Plane by John Denver). As soon as the plane landed, I felt so much better – like a miracle happened. But in retrospect, truly a miracle had happened.

On reflection, I did not realize the ongoing pressure of accumulated and compounded stress took a toll on me. I forgot I was entering my golden years. I was travelling back and forth from Chicago to the Philippines in 2006, 2007 and 2008. My older brother was critically ill and eventually died at age 53. The following year, my mother passed away at age 86. We became empty nesters as our two sons went to college in Chicago. My husband was going through middle age crisis. Our church was in transition moving from one location to another… not to mention I was going through menopause (Men-Oppose). I was stretched to the max! I caught myself singing Frank Sinatra’s song: “That’s life…”

“I have been a mother, pastor, wife, friend, grandma and coach.

I have been up and down and over and out. Each time I found myself laying flat on my face. But I just picked myself up and got back in the race.

That is life… I cannot deny it… “I’m gonna roll myself up in a big ball a-and live and love again…”(Words in bold changed)

I learned the following lessons of the great positive effects of singing which I call SHARED PRAYER

Stimulates the immune response for health .

Helps express feelings of grief and sorrow .

Anti-depression pill like happy hormones DOSE – Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin & Endorphins. Relieves stress while relaxing the body, soul and spirit.

Enhances memory in the brain and improves breathing as well as lung function.

Develops a sense of belonging and connection as well as building community.

Pain is reduced as it increases pain threshold.

Re-routes our focus on creative things not destructive ones. Anxiety and worry are diminished and/or eliminated to receive the anointing power of worship. Youth is enhanced as it increases blood flow to the skin causing it to glow.

Expression is so effective bypassing our “stinking thinking” mindset to having the mind of Christ. Revelation manifests as singing unites our body and soul.

Laughter shared is joy added and multiplied. . . Tear shared is sadness deducted and divided. . . Singing to the Lord is not just “praying twice”. It does exponential fruitfulness and multiplication expressing our love for God while He brings unconditional love, unspeakable joy and the peace that surpasses all understanding guarding our hearts and minds.

“My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed” Psalm 71:23.

Always choose “On A Bright Side.”

I love you readers with the love of the Lord yet the Lord loves you the most. You are blessed. Smile, Sing and Laugh out loud! Be a blessing!

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