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Taking Pride in Your Vulnerability


By: Melody Dizon


Even as menial of task as folding clothes, sweeping the floor or rearranging furnitures in the house, I do fi nd pleasure in it and fi nd it healing. You may think, it’s just all housework, it can’t be. Well, self care takes on different meaning for each individual and you have to find it – what charges you, what encourages and nourishes you. Others may just want to put their feet up and flip channels on the TV remote, cry, shop, browse, exercise, sulk or hide.

Then I came to my senses regarding how vulnerable I was. So human, so natural, so real –Vulnerability is if you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist, per Brenee Brown (author of The Power of Vulnerability). Bottom line is how each of us has the need for connection and belongingness – it’s what gives purpose and meaning in life

Failure, disappointments, shame, fear or any negative emotion relates to not measuring up or not being worthy of connections.

Take Pride in Your Vulnerability

Embracing our vulnerability and taking pride in creating a world where we all feel a little less alone.

1. Strike Up a Conversation

As Queen Brené Brown says, “In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen—really seen.” Today, if you feel comfortable, start a conversation around something you’re struggling with. Maybe it’s an issue at work, a fi nancial stressor that has you down, or even a nagging insecurity. You’ll be surprised how opening up creates space for another person to do the same.

2. Share Your Self-Care Hacks

It takes time to carve out a solid self-care practice. Maybe yours is an eight-step nightly skincare routine, doing a morning meditation before you get out of bed, petting your cats for a few minutes (or, you know, an hour) every night, or even just unfollowing people on Instagram who don’t empower you. It’s as simple as, “I found that when I’m feeling {insert that mood here}, doing {insert your self-care ritual} really helps.” Offer some self-care wisdom, and get them thinking about what they can do when they need some me-time.

3. Accept Your Feels

Part of self-care is knowing that you’re not going to feel good every single day and embracing that truth. As the saying goes, “Nothing in nature blooms all year round.” Negative emotions are part of the process. Today, however you’re feeling, send yourself a dose of self-love and self-acceptance. Recognize where you are emotionally (stressed? energetic? mixed emotions?) and reassure yourself that however you feel is OK. Uncomfortable emotions are something we all experience—and, like waves in the sea, they’re never permanent.

4. Own Your Energy

We’re quick to let other things—that co-worker, the weather, a late bus, a toxic friend—steal the energy we need to thrive. Today, if something saps your energy, notice if it’s something in your control or outside of your control. If it’s something you can change, set the boundaries you need. Tell a friend you need the evening to recharge, or take a midday walk to get some space from the office. If something out of your control messes with your vibe, get intentional about releasing it. Take a deep breath in, remind yourself it cannot be changed, and try to let go of the stressor on your exhale.

5. Take Pride in How You’ve Grown

Today is uncertain, but what is certain: You’ve made it through all previous days leading up to this one. According to survey, in the past two years alone 99 percent have experienced highs and lows— made a new friend, experienced health issues, struggled financially, got a new job, accomplished something you never thought you would, and so much more.

Today, take a moment to be proud of what you’ve gone through and what you’ve grown through. Trust your ability to adapt and your resilience—and know that foundation can see you through whatever the day brings.

Vulnerability is imperative for us to feel connected to ourselves, to admit who we really are and that we are of much worth.

What makes you vulnerable will make you beautiful. It’s necessary.

Resources: The power of vulnerability Shinetext

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