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United States 2020 Census

Here are important numbers to consider when fi lling out the Census 2020 form.

$1,500,000,000,000 The census determines where $1.5 trillion in federal funding is allocated. Get counted and your community could receive better health care, roads, affordable housing, educational programs, libraries, hospitals, and more.

4,000,000 Filipinos in the U.S. The last census data count 4 million Filipinos in the United States, making us the second-largest Asian American group in the United States, with the state of Illinois claiming 159,385 (not counting the signifi cant increase of Filipinos studying in US and serving in the military). The growth of our communities means our needs have changed drastically since the last census. We must ALL get counted so that our diversity is shown through the data and our communities get the resources we need.

435 representative seats The 435 representative seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are allocated throughout the country based on population size as collected by the census. An undercount could cause some states to lose seats, which means losing political power. Completing the census ensures that our voice is heard in our democracy.

The census is only taken once every decade. Therefore, this is our chance to bring a positive change to our communities for the next 10 years.

Spread the word and complete your census online, by mail, or by phone. Together we can get an accurate count for the Filipinos and Filipino American communities and form a brighter future for our families. The 2020 Census is available online (my2020census.gov).

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