Home / Sections / Press Release / Young Volunteers Cleaning Up the Community Surrounding the Pullman Historical Park on October 2, 2023 for the Filipino American History Month Celebration

Young Volunteers Cleaning Up the Community Surrounding the Pullman Historical Park on October 2, 2023 for the Filipino American History Month Celebration

(Submission by Maria Cristina Gutierrez of American Airlines)

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American Airlines Asian Pacific Islader Employee Business Group collaborated with American Airlines Living Green Employee Business Group and volunteered to lend hand at cleaning the streets around Pullman National Park. API team decided to honor Cipriano Sarmonte in honor of Filipino American History Month. Not a lot of people know that we Filipinos are part of history here in Chicago. Our API team helped the community by cleaning the street from 115th street to 103rd Street by picking up all the garbage on the street. We bag around 20 bags of garbage by the time we finish cleaning up.

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