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Migrants Approve of Ron DeSantis and the Way He Bussed Illegals to Martha’s Vineyard

The Democrats want nothing more than for people to think that all migrant people are going to vote for liberal candidates in upcoming elections. They believe those who fled communism and socialism will be quick to embrace the horrors of what they left behind. The truth is that people that came to America to escape the horrors of dictatorship rule are not willing to live under those conditions.

The Hispanic community in Florida has come out and let Governor Ron DeSantis know that they approve of his deporting illegals to Martha’s Vineyard. The embarrassing media has told the narrative that people are not supportive of the governor’s actions. But testimony reveals that the population loves what DeSantis has done.

The liberal media wants to call attention away from the fact that Joe Biden is sending illegals into the heartland to try and change up the political landscape.

They want to flood Republican- run states with as many illegals as they can so that at some point in the future, they can give them illegal voting rights and secure liberal victories throughout the nation.

The Democrats do not like DeSantis’s move to share the burden of caring for all the illegals because he sent them to an area full of wealthy Democrats. The point he makes is that the liberals claim to care about illegals, but their actions tell a different story.

The moment that the illegals showed up at Martha’s Vineyard was the moment that they were sent south to a different location. The liberals could not stand having migrants knocking on their doors and messing up their landscape views. (By UNITED WE STAND

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